will be bred on her next season in August 2011
If you wish to be on our waiting list please fill out out
and email to me. If you wish to be on our waiting list please fill out out
Can.Ch.Violet Sparkle Of My Eye HIChttp://violetstandardpoodlessparkle.blogspot.com/
OFA tests for Sparkle
AUGUST 5th, 2010
We had ten puppies born into this world. Seven females and three cream boys.
Click onto links below
underneath names for more information and photos on the parents.
*Santos* Am.Can.Ch.Violet Sky Above CGC HIC
OFA health tests for Santoshttp://www.offa.org/display.html?appnum=1206753#animal
*Santos* Am.Can.Ch.Violet Sky Above CGC HIC
OFA health tests for Santoshttp://www.offa.org/display.html?appnum=1206753#animal
(picture by Lynne Galloway)
bred Opal
OFA tests for Opal